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What is Bubble Soccer?

Bubble Soccer (or bubble football if you’re from Europe) involves two teams getting into inflatable man-sized bubbles and playing soccer, except in this game, there are no faults, no yellow cards and no penalties!

It's all about smashing into each other, bouncing around and doing anything within your power to stop your opponent from scoring a goal. Tackle, body slam, roll around - you name it, the bubbles keep it fun and safe.

Watching is as fun as playing, see players bounce around upside down with their legs in the air. Is anyone actually keeping score? You’ll be laughing too hard to keep tally.

  • Play with your friends
  • Suitible for adults & kids
  • High-speed action without injuries
  • 6-12 players on field
  • Play indoors or outdoors

Incase you missed us on TV, check us out on...

The Bachelor - Season 3

The NSW Swifts tackle Bubble Soccer!

Ch 7 - The House of Wellnness

Ch 7 - The Morning Show witth Larry and Kylie

Ch 7 - The House of Wellnness

Ch 7 - The Morning Show witth Larry and Kylie

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Great money making opportunity

If you have a sports club or venue thats suitable for Bubble Soccer, then dont miss out on this huge opportunity to generate extra revenue by offering customers a place to play Bubble Soccer. Or start your very own Bubble Soccer Hire business.

Bubble Soccer is the latest craze in silly and extreme sports, and is hugely popular in Australia already. Bubble Soccer Australia is commited to growing the sport and generating leads for your business.

So why not get started now?

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